How and why should a truck crane be made cold proof?


The increase of failures of truck cranes as well as any automotive equipment operating in winter is a natural phenomenon, and the growth of failures is directly proportional to the drop in ambient temperature

First of all, this is due to poor preparation for winter. The equipment must be ready to operate in a variety of conditions...

On one side of Russia, there is the Krasnodar Territory with a subtropical climate in some locations; on the other side, there is the Polar region, an area virtually unexplored by man, stretching for many thousands of kilometers across snow, ice, and permafrost.

Among the few indigenous settlements, there are construction sites, astonishing in their scope, where thousands of people and hundreds of machines work to build industrial facilities for the extraction, processing and transportation of minerals

Indeed, in the central part of the country, temperatures can range between plus and minus 40 degrees Celsius. And let's not forget about the humidity, which also differs at different times in different regions. It cannot but affect not only humans, but equipment as well

That's why truck cranes can be divided into three types: standard, polar and tropical. Today we will talk about preparing the crane for the winter period

Filling the crane up with antifreeze, checking the heater, changing the tires for winter ones – these are all standard procedures. However, the process includes a bit more than it takes to winterize your passenger car, for instance. These checkups should be done by experienced professionals, who know how to keep your crew healthy and your equipment operable. So, what is checked first:

  • Tightness of cabs, both of the main machine and the crane

  • Batteries and the quality of the insulation of the compartments in which they are placed

  • Heating systems

  • Wiring

Next comes changing the oil and all fluids, from windshield washer to high-quality fuel that will meet the operating requirements. These are the main procedures, but there are also optional checks that ensure comfortable operation:

  • Seat heating and thermal insulation of the cab. The metal of the cab is an excellent heat sink, so it is a necessary measure.

  • The comfort and health of the operator is paramount

  • The windshield wipers should be heated. If the crane continually operates in severe frost, the rubber on unheated wipers will quickly deteriorate, and the wipers will be more difficult to use, to say the least.

  • Heating the fuel line. Is it really necessary to describe Russian frosts and Russian diesel fuel? Anyone who has been sold summer diesel fuel in winter and had to bustle around his vehicle with a burner to heat it up knows exactly what is meant here

There is no need to shift all the responsibility to the crane operator. You can find professionals on our site who deal with similar problems, and if you are one of them, let's get in touch and cooperate!
