Lifting frames are quick-release load-gripping devices that are positioned between the load and the crane hook.

Tie-down points are used for hanging, while cargo rigs are used for gripping. They come in a wide variety of designs. In order to determine which type is suitable for a particular model and application, you need to determine a few characteristics:

  • Operating conditions

  • Load parameters

  • Technical specifications of the crane

The lifting frames can be linear with no inhouse balancing, which necessarily requires the load to be centered. If it is necessary to avoid tie-down pressure, a spreader beam is used

Placement on the hook is done in two ways, namely, by one or by several points. In situations where quite large and long loads are handled, it is customary to lift by the center, usually to a low height 

Types of lifting frames:

1. The lifting frame with center lift hangs on the hook of the hoist and is quite wide in its application. When using a linear spreader beam, remember to hang the load exactly in the center

There is also a lifting beam that is lifted by the edges. It is convenient to use when the center of gravity itself is undefined and asymmetrical, since it prevents the load from being tipped to one side during lifting

2. Spreader beams are made in the simplest triangular or rectangular forms. Frame lifting beams are the most stable when 3SK or 4SK tie-downs are used to hang them on the crane hook, which makes it possible to lift loads of considerable weight and dimensions, albeit while reducing the practical lifting height

3. T-beams are used for lifting and moving loads with a displaced center of gravity, strapped at three attachment points. The adjustable link provided in the design enables optimal loading of other tie-down elements

4. H-beams. Lifting beams of this type are designed for lifting various loads, which tie-down pattern provides for fixing by four points

The H-beam is also used when moving large loads, making it possible to reduce the angle between the branches of the tie-downs

5. Spreaders. These lifting frames are suitable for lifting and moving large loads with four-point attachment, placed on the hook of the lifting equipment or by an eye, a finger or by rigid and flexible rods

Spreaders using four-point attachment should be used to move long, bulky loads. In terms of tie-downs, both conventional steel tie-downs as well as textile, rope or chain tie-downs can be used with spreaders

6. Single-point spreaders. The main distinction of this type of spreader is that the tying down of the beam to the crane hook is carried out by the central element of the spreader
